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Autologous (native tissue), allogeneic (full-match related or unrelated donor), and haploidentical (semi-match donors; mother, father, son, daughter, or sibling) transplants are carried out following the Bone Marrow Transplant Program put in place in Bone Marrow Transplant Centers.
The facility offers services to both adult and child clients.
In Turquoise Medical, bone marrow and stem cells are collected, and the cells are then sorted and processed.
Treatments during the year
Treatments during the year
Treatments during the year
Quick failure, sleeping, irregularity of breathing, minor bruising.
Whole blood assay control with regular intervals.
Otological bow room transplantation is a transplant method, in where the person is used as the donor.
Blood tests and imaging, biopsy.
Our Hospital provide the highest quality care to improve the health of our entire community through innovation, collaboration, service excellence, diversity and a commitment to patient safety